A wizard is a dialog that leads a user through a procedure step-by-step.
The main features of JWizard are:
- Easy to use.
- Can add a logo image to the left side of the wizard dialog.
- Can set a title for the wizard.
- Can set a title for each step of the wizard.
- Contains the commonly-used buttons Back, Next, Finish and Cancel.
- Can enable the Finish button during sequencing or only on the last
- Can enable the Cancel button for all steps or all steps except the
last one.
- Can add a Help button
- Can handle complicated run-time sequencing where the next step depends
on the user's response to the current step or even on external factors.
- Easy to centralize the storage of information gathered by the various
- Can perform actions as the user sequences through the steps or can
hold off on all actions until Finish is pressed.
- Fully internationalized and ready for localization.
- Uses standard Java icons for the Back, Next and Help buttons.